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Think Sepsis - Talk Sepsis - Treat Sepsis

Sepsis is a serious complication of an infection - Sepsis Trust Org - NHS Conditions - Sepsis

Sepsis is life threatening. It can be hard to spot.

There are lots of possible symptoms. They can be like symptoms of other conditions, including flu or a chest infection.

If you think you or someone you look after has symptoms of sepsis, call 999 or go to A&E. Trust your instincts.

Without quick treatment, sepsis can lead to multiple organ failure and death.

Although sepsis is often referred to as either blood poisoning or septicaemia, these terms refer to the invasion of bacteria into the bloodstream.

Sepsis can affect multiple organs or the entire body, even without blood poisoning or septicaemia.

Sepsis can also be caused by viral or fungal infections, although bacterial infections are by far the most common cause.

In England every year there is...

123,000 cases of sepsis

37,000 deaths

70% of these cases start in the community.

Same day help for your poorly child

Please contact the surgery if your child has become unwell in the last few days and you would like urgent advice. We can arrange for a clinician to speak to you and, if necessary, see your child, today. This could save you an unnecessary trip to A+E or a Walk-in Centre.

The Little Orange Book provides expert help for parents and carers on how to manage common problems in babies and small children.

You can download the NHS Child Health app which is available on The Apple App Store or Google Play.

You can also visit Healthier Together. This is the new go-to website and app for health advice about your baby or child. It covers a range of conditions including tummy bugs, rashes, common childhood illnesses, and Covid-19.

You can download the app from the Apple Store or Google Play.

Think F.A.S.T

The impact of stroke can be  short and long-term, depending on which part of the brain is affected and how quickly it is treated. Stroke survivors can experience wide-ranging disabilities, including difficulties with mobility and speech. A stroke can also affect how they think and feel.  Think FAST - NHS Stroke

What is FAST?

FAST requires an assessment of three specific symptoms of stroke.

  • Facial weakness - can the person smile? Has their mouth or eye drooped?
  • Arm weakness - can the person raise both arms?
  • Speech problems - can the person speak clearly and understand what you say?
  • Time - to call 999

Newcastle Women's Aid Domestic Abuse Services

0800 923 2622, available Mon - Fri, 9.00 - 4.30pm

The Home Office announced new proposals to protect women and girls from harassment, aggression and violence, and a focus on stopping domestic abuse before it takes place. People living with domestic abuse can access more than 5,300 Safe Spaces in pharmacies nationwide. A new postcode checker has also been launched to find your nearest Safe Space.

There is also a lot of information on the Angelou Centre website.

The Little Book of Useful Stuff – a young person's toolkit for a healthy life

Teen and early adult years can be a confusing time for us all. What should I expect during puberty? How do I get medical help? What does safer sex mean? What if it's all a bit embarrassing and I'm not sure who to ask?

Now the NHS in Gateshead has published The Little Book of Useful Stuff to help young people aged 13+ to keep safe, stay healthy and make informed decisions in their lives.

The Little Book of Useful Stuff is overseen by health professionals and guided by young people in Gateshead who helped to choose the subject matter, design themes and even the title to keep it relevant to readers.

Little book

Tyneside Integrated Musculoskeletal Services (TIMS)

Tyneside Integrated Musculoskeletal Services (TIMS) is a joint Newcastle and Gateshead service that offers self-care and fast access to expert opinion, diagnosis and treatment of a variety of muscle, joint and soft tissue conditions and chronic pain. For information on Wellbeing, visit TIMS Wellbeing


To find out more about the service on offer, and how to refer yourself, visit TIMS

Lung Health Checks

If you are aged between 55 and 74 and have ever smoked, you will receive a letter from the Lung Health Check service inviting you for a lung check. You will attend a mobile scanner to have a low dose CT scan in order to spot problems as early as possible. For more information please visit: Lung Health Checks or call 0191 282 4888.

Lung Health

Stay Switched On!

Sign up to your energy supplier's priority register if you:

  • Are disabled or have a long-term health condition
  • Have a hearing or sight condition
  • Have a mental health condition
  • Are recovering from an injury
  • Are pregnant or have children under five living with you
  • Have extra communication needs (such as if you don't speak or read English well)
  • Need to use medical equipment that requires a power supply
  • Have reached your state pension age
  • Have poor or no sense of smell
  • Would struggle to answer the door or get help in an emergency

Find out more here and here.

Universal Credit Help to Claim Service 

Help To Claim service provides support to people making a new claim for Universal Credit. The service can provide support up until the first payment is made. The service can be accessed via telephone (0800 144 8 444) or by webchat: Universal Credit


Newsletter August 2023

Do you have any of these long-term conditions?

  • Chronic breathing difficulties (COPD) or Asthma
  • Diabetes (type 1 or type 2)
  • Heart disease
  • Epilepsy
  • Thinning of the bones (osteoporosis)
  • Hypertension
  • Pre-diabetes (non-diabetic hyperglycaemia)
  • Osteoarthritis of the hip/knee
  • Any of the above with depression and/or anxiety.

Ways to Wellness was set up to deliver social prescribing for people whose daily lives are affected by certain long-term health conditions. 

If you have any of the listed long-term health conditions, are aged 18 to 74 and are interested in Ways to Wellness please ask your GP, nurse or other healthcare professional for more information, or visit Ways to Wellness.

In line with NHS England guidance to go paperless, we are no longer accepting or sending faxes.

All telephone calls to and from the surgery will be recorded for training and patient safety purposes.

NHS Values - NHS Constitution

We are committed to: 

Patient-centered care – Putting patients at the heart of everything we do. Listening to and understanding the needs of patients and empowering them to make informed decisions regarding their care.

Respect - Treat our patients with dignity, respect and courtesy at all times.

Quality – Demonstrating a commitment to providing the highest standard of healthcare possible.

Equitable – Provision of care to all patients without prejudice or discrimination.

Ethical – Operating within the ethical framework through openness and transparency.

Confidentiality - Maintain confidentiality in what we discuss and the records we keep on your behalf

Hospital Appointments

You can call the Outpatient Department directly to enquire about your hospital appointment. The numbers are 01912825900 (RVI ) or 01912231200 (Freeman Hospital). You can also call 0191 282 4444 or the Appointments Line. You can also see upcoming GP and hospital appointments on the NHS App

Serving You
We are confident that our website will provide clear and concise help to give our patients the information they require in an easy and convenient format. It has been designed with the patients' needs at the forefront of everything, from checking surgery times to letting us know what you think of us! 

Our dedicated team are here to treat those minor ailments that occur as well as providing specialist management of long-term conditions and clinics covering a wide range of healthcare issues. The technology also means you can now do a lot of things from the comfort of your home such as order a repeat prescription or cancel an appointment.

Partners in Care
Once registered, patients and healthcare professionals work together to ensure the most appropriate care is provided. This partnership philosophy extends even further and our active patient group exists to make sure that patient needs and the practice offering are always heading in the same direction.

Health News from the BBC and the NHS

BBC Health
NHS Choices Behind the Headlines
Call 111 when you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergencyNHS ChoicesThis site is brought to you by My Surgery Website